“Around 15 percent of the world’s population, or estimated 1 billion people, live with disabilities. They are the world’s largest minority.” - United Nations’ Department of Economic and Social Affairs I came across this article from Branching Minds about the connection between MTSS and SPED. It really shines a light on the definitions and explains similarities and differences between MTSS and Special Education. Special education and MTSS both provide support for students within the classroom. But MTSS and special education (SPED) are not the same things. Both are rooted in the foundation of creating an equitable learning environment for all learners. However, MTSS is a system of support for all students. Special education is an extensive framework of resources, laws, specialized services, and staff designed to support the education of millions of students identified with a qualifying disability. MTSS provides support to all students in academic, behavioral, and socia...