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Showing posts from June, 2022

Adding the Grit Scale to School Data

I came across this great article on Edutopia by Nathan Barber on Adding the Grit Scale to School Data . This piece is showing how one school is investigating the possibility of measuring and teaching its students grit by adding Angela Duckworth's 12-item grit scale to the standard assessments. Schools already use a lot of data - from ERB scores and PSAT, ACT, and SAT information to AP exam results - to help shape and focus instruction each year. However, this data provides a glimpse into a few facets of students who are complex young men and women. Nathan is telling their story of how along with the leadership team, he began a search for a way to collect a different kind of data on their students, both current and incoming, that would help to understand them a little better, and would better equip them to put their students in a position to be successful. They decided to explore ways that Duckworth's research on grit, including her grit measurement scale, might help better serv...