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Showing posts from October, 2022

LSI Policy Paper on Future of Assessment

This is a great resource from Learning Sciences Internationa l for anyone overseeing assessment in schools on what the future may hold for assessment practices. It’s composed of both the white paper as well as webinar replay of the press conference they’ve held. Learning Sciences International® (LSI) empowers schools and districts to transform core instruction and leadership practices, resulting in rapid gains in student learning. LSI empowers each student and educator to meet the new challenges of a new economy (in which today’s students and educators must prepare for a future in which new jobs, skills, functions, and disciplines are necessary) by transforming traditional core instruction and leadership practices with research-based, results-driven strategies, products, and services. This white paper describes the components of an ideal comprehensive, balanced assessment system that includes classroom formative assessment (within and between lessons), medium-cycle formative assessm...