Please read this great article and associated paper from The Quaglia Institute for School Voice and Aspirations (QISVA) that focuses on Voice and Aspirations for our students. It introduces the 8 Conditions that make a difference and help educators ensure that the work they are already doing fosters an environment characterized by positive relationships, engaged learning, and a sense of purpose. Those eight conditions are organized into 3 guiding principles, Self Worth, Engagement and Purpose that should be lived out in the classrooms and schools. It’s a very neat and effective way of ensuring that our focus is not only on academia and helps to nurture the whole student environment. In an era of educational policy that changes almost daily, schools must be grounded in a set of principles that are solidly based on research and that provide a practical, common sense approach to professional growth and learning. As they state: “When students and teachers have high aspirations, they have the ability to dream and set goals for the future while being inspired in the present to reach those dreams. Whether the goal is to learn trigonometry or a trade, get good grades or go to college, develop a new curriculum, expand one’s pedagogical repertoire, or achieve an outstanding evaluation, students and teachers want to be successful. Too often, however, students and teachers do not reach their goals and potential because the conditions that inspire and support them are not in place”.
Nurturing Holistic Growth: The Role of Data Analytics in International Schools with a Focus on Social-Emotional Wellbeing
In the dynamic realm of education, international schools are increasingly leveraging data analytics not only to optimize academic outcomes but also to enhance the social-emotional wellbeing of their students. The integration of data analytics into educational frameworks enables institutions to glean insights that extend beyond traditional academic performance, fostering a holistic approach to student development. One of the pivotal aspects of data analytics in international schools is its application in the analysis of social-emotional wellbeing data. By examining factors such as student engagement, behavioral patterns, and emotional states, schools can gain a deeper understanding of the non-academic aspects of student life. This information is instrumental in tailoring support mechanisms to address the unique socio-emotional needs of each student, ultimately contributing to a more nurturing and inclusive learning environment. Data analytics proves particularly beneficial in identifyin...
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